The journal of the Ribbon Branch is ‘The Ribbon Collector’.
Which is published five times a year by the Editor.
It is the vehicle by wich the membership keeps in touch
with other branch members,
all aspects of the hobby and more importantly, what is new
on the orders, decorations and medals front.
We have members all over the World and are usually the first
to know about a new coronation or campaign medal ribbon,
an additional class of an existing order or a new emblem.
With each edition comes a free hand full of sash,
commander or chest width ribbons
including miniature ribbons, some old and not so old.
The editor, Mike Shepherd, is happy to accept any articles
as long as the content is accurate, for obvious reasons.
If you have anything that you think other members may be interested in,
please let him know.
His contact details are:
M.J. Shepherd
6 Holly Close, Sandford,
Wareham, Dorset,
BH20 7QE, United Kingdom